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Hey friends of Liberty Square!

Summer-time is just around the corner, and we are ready for an awesome couple of months with all of our new residents and the ones who stuck around too! We’ve got plenty of great activities planned for this summer – movie nights, pool parties, dances – and to kick it all off we’re throwing a Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie night this Wednesday night, May 18th, starting at 8:30 in the courtyard outside of the office. You’re not going to want to miss this event – there will be plenty of free popcorn, snow cones, cotton candy, and new friends to be made!

Here at Liberty Square, we’re known as the most social complex in Provo, and we try to live up to that reputation by throwing awesome activities and planning great events for our residents and friends, so come on out, and have a great time! And guess what, we had a couple meet for the first time at one of our movie nights this last year, and now they’re engaged! So whether you’re looking for an eternal companion or you’re just in for some lightsaber-slashing, jedi-tastic action, please join us!

In the wise, immortal words of our dear friend Yoda, “Do or do not… There is no try.”

So don’t try to be there, just be there!

See you on Wednesday!
